It Moves in Creation

Acts 17:27-28 - in God we move and have our being
Jn 6:63/Rom 8:9-11 - the Spirit gives life
Lk 10:3-8 / Is 1:17/ Hos 2:19/Zech 7:9 – crying for justice
Mt 5:9/ Jn 16:33/Rom 12:18/ Rom 14:19/ 1 Cor 7:15/ Mk 9:50 – peacemakers/ peace to the world
1 Jn 4:12 - God lives in us if we love
Ps 136 - God's love is forever
Gen 2:15 – humans to tend the earth
Jn 1:12/ Rom 8:14-17/ 1 Jn 3:1-2– we are children of God
Gal 3:26 / Eph 1:10 / Eph 4:16/ Col 2:19/ Jn 17:23 – we are all one through Christ
1 Cor 12:26 - if one suffers, so do all
Is 53:4 – God bears our suffering
Gal 5:22 - forbearance, kindness are fruits of the Spirit
Rom 12:8/1 Thes 5:11 - encourage, build up, be patient